Executive Physiology

An outline of the Executive Physiology program

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An assessment of structural integrity at each joint and region.


A functional assessment will evaluate the individual’s ability.


Seven different primary movement tasks.


This process looks at two different aspects of metabolic health.

The Four Pillars in Detail

Each aspect of the program can be seen in more detail here


An assessment of structural integrity at each joint and region. this will entail an orthopaedic examination of the available joint range of motion and the constraints of the peri-articular system (ligaments).

It will also assess the biomechanics of the lower limb kinetic chain; how this integrates with spinal mechanics; then how this integrates with the upper limb kinetic chain as well.

This assessment will form the backbone and baseline of the following three assessments to ascertain risk.


A functional assessment will evaluate the individual’s ability to produce force and apply it during a series of integrated and isolated movements.

This could entail:

  • A multi-segmented force plate assessment: Ability of each joint to apply vertical force (via inverse dynamics)
  • A force vector assessment: Ability at each region to apply force in multiple planes.
  • An Isokinetic assessment: Ability to look at ratios of muscle function at different speeds.


The movement competency assessment will assess the efficiency of movement under the demand of different tasks and it will look at the ability to dissociate under load.

The assessment will entail:

  • Seven different primary movement tasks
  • Up to 5 different loads under each movement task
  • A dissociation component to look at motor control efficiency under two different loads at each task.
  • We will assess 3 primary planes of integrated movement sequences for the whole body.


This process looks at two different aspects of metabolic health.

Systemic health
Full Cardio-pulmonary test to look at VO2 Max, but in particular correlation to lower leg Watt output and LT1 to LT2

Local muscular endurance
An assessment of endurance capacity at a number of different muscles, where they will be assessed at their ability to perform until failure. This can be measured using a NIRS device.

Finally a comparison is made between the systemic health to the local muscular metabolic efficiency to better understand the use of ATP / oxygenation of the running /movement specific muscles.

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